GB 50003-2011砌體結構設計規范 (英文版)

GB 50003-2011   砌體結構設計規范 (英文版)
標準編號: GB 50003-2011
中文名稱: 砌體結構設計規范
英文名稱: Code for design of masonry structures
1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to implementing the technical and economic policies of the nation, persisting in wall material innovation, adjusting measures to local conditions, using local materials, reasonably selecting structural scheme and masonry materials, and achieving advanced technology, safety and usability, economy and rationality and quality guarantee.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of the following masonry structures in building engineering, and the design for special conditions or with specific requirements shall be carried out according to special requirements:
1 Brick masonry: including unreinforced and reinforced masonry of fired common brick, fired perforated brick, autoclaved sand-lime brick, autoclaved flyash-lime brick, common concrete brick and perforated concrete brick;
2 Block masonry: including unreinforced and reinforced masonry of concrete block and light aggregate concrete block;
3 Stone masonry: including masonry of various squared stones and rubbles.
1.0.3 This code is established according to the principle specified in the current national standard "Unified Standard Reliability Design of Building Structures" GB 50068. The design terms and symbols are adopted according to the requirements of the current national standard "Standard for Terminology and Symbols Used in Design of Building Structures" GB/T 50083.
1.0.4 For design according to this code, the load shall comply with the current national standard "Load Code for the Design of Building Structures" GB 50009; the selection and application of wall materials shall comply with the current national standard "Uniform Technical Code for Wall Material used in Buildings" GB 50574; the selection of concrete materials shall meet the requirements of the current national standard "Code for Design of Concrete Structures" GB 50010; the construction quality control shall meet the requirements of the current national standards "Code for Acceptance of Constructional Quality of Masonry Structures" GB 50203 and "Code for Acceptance of Constructional Quality of Concrete Structures" GB 50204; and the structural earthquake resistance design shall meet the relevant requirements of the current national standard "Code for Seismic Design of Buildings" GB 50011.
1.0.5 The masonry structure design shall not only comply with this code, but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation.