GB 50184-2011 工業金屬管道工程施工質量驗收規范 (英文版)

1 General Provision

1.0.1 This Code is formulated in order to unify the quality acceptance method for industrial metallic piping construction, strengthen the technical management and ensure the engineering quality.

1.0.2 This Code is applicable to acceptance of construction quality of industrial metallic piping with design pressure no greater than 42MPa and the design temperature no greater than the allowable operating temperature of materials.

1.0.3 This Code shall be used in conjunction with the current national standards "Unified Standard for Constructional Quality Acceptance of Industrial Installation Engineering" (GB 50252) and "Code for Construction of Industrial Metallic Piping Engineering" (GB 50235).

l.0.4 Acceptance of construction quality of industrial metallic piping shall comply with not only this Code, but also those specified in the relevant current standards of the State.

2 Terms

2.0.1 Inspection lot

It refers to inspection bodies consisted of certain quantity samples gathered according to the same working condition or required mode for inspection.

2.0.2 Visual inspection

It refers to inspection on the inspected object by visual observation in conjunction of practical experience to judge whether the object meet those specified in this code or not.

2.0.3 100% examination

It refers to the complete inspection on a specific item in a designated inspection lot.

2.0.4 Random sampling examination

It refers to the inspection on certain percentage of a specific item in a designated inspection lot.

2.0.5 Local sampling examination

It refers to specified local inspection on every certain item in a designated inspection lot.

3 Basic Requirement

3.1 Division for Acceptance of Constructional Quality

3.1.1 The quality acceptance of industrial metallic piping project may be divided according to sub-item project, subsection (sub-subsection) project, unit (sub-unit) project.

3.1.2 The sub-item project shall be divided according to the piping grades and materials.

3.1.3 The industrial metallic piping project in one unit project may be divided into one or several subsection (sub-subsection) projects.

3.1.4 Where the industrial metallic piping project has independent construction conditions or functions of use, one or several subsection (sub-subsection) projects also may constitutes one unit (sun-unit) project.